Monday, April 21, 2008

Great Weekend!

Hey Everyone! I had a pretty good weekend, I hope you all had a good one too! On Friday, my grandma and Aunt came down and surprised my mom for her 40th birthday, since she was wallowing in self pity... LOL, she isn't ready to be forty! But, it has to come sometime! Then later that night, we went to Benihanas, it was SUPER fun! Then I went home and watched "Mr. Mom" it was a really funny movie. Then the next day it was just kinda lazy I sat at home ALL day contrary to my protests, then that night I went babysitting for the Smiths who have SUPER cute kids! Then on Sunday I went to Loomis CA with my mom, aunt, and grandma, to hear my grandma's friend Sybil give her missionary return talk. Then today I had my Spanish play-which went well, it was fun. And now I am updating my blog. Since my friend Emily is on my blog, I am going to tell her Hi! Hi cutie, and remember not everything shoots out sparks! :)

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This blog is all about me, my friends, fun, and just about everything else! I hope you like it!