Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I can believe it's already Wednesday!!!

Can anybody else believe that it is already Wednesday?! I sure can't! This week is flying by!!! Sorry I forgot to update yesterday, I had mutual and I usually get home pretty late. Our mutual activity was "Fear Factor" it was super fun but also super gross, we had to eat a thing of baby food, and dunk for peppers in oatmeal! SO GROSS! I feel for the baby's that have to ear baby food, it's so nasty! But I love mutual so it was worth it! Today Emily is coming over for a little while to hang out and stuff so that will b super fun! Well I love u all and will update after school to fill u in more about my day! LOVE LOVE LOVE U!


1 comment:

The Eric and Jaime Evans Gang said...

Hey lady!! What's been going on at school that isn't fun?! Mutual sounds fun....I miss seeing you all at Mutual each week. Glad to hear you are being a good girl and going!
Love ya, Sis. Evans

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